Earth Day Cloth Diaper Sales 2024
10 months ago
Hi and welcome to my Cloth Nappy Review Site.
There are so many cloth nappies now available.
This site is to gather the opinion of users, so that what they have learnt can be shared with others.
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Maisie :o)
I have used cotton bottoms and php paper liners, they are practically the same thing, except the cotton bottoms liners are longer. I quite like the longer length of the cb liners, it catches more.
These liners last up to three washes, and look as if they would be genuinely flushable.
I didn't much like ultra liners they are too small, crinkle up inside the nappy and gave my son a rash, I think they hold a lot of the urine next to the skin, as they seem quite absorbent. However, I don't require a liner to be absorbent, the nappy does that.
I like Boots best, I always use one, even with a fleece. The Boots ones are of a fine fabric, like interfacing. Some I have tried (eg Peachy Cheeks) are a bit scratchy and cause redness. These are made of paper. Boots are also surprisingly cheap and readily available.
We used the bambino mio paper liners and they were fine to start off with - flushable, right size etc... (although NOW I'm told you shouldn't use liners with prefolds for newborn poo?!!) but once we got to about 4-5months she started getting terrible nappy rash, partly 'cos she's got ultra sensitive skin but having moved to fleece liners we haven't looked back! Agree with comment about wee next to skin.
Totally agree with the nappy rash comments daughter had nappy rash until we swapped to raw silk to cure and then fleece to prevent in future.......haven't looked back! Also one major problem (these were Bambino Mio BTW) was that when flushed they blocked our victorian drainage system and cost us £100 to unblock with DynoRod!!
I use a combination of fleece and paper liners. If it was just me alone changing DS's bum then I would probably stick with fleece unless he had a tummy upset, however my DH has a hissy-fit if he is left to flush poo off a fleece liner so I do use paper liners when I think there is a chance that DH might get stuck with the next change. I initally started off with ultras but I found that the thickness of these liners meant that the urine was being held against DS's skin. Moved onto bio liners which are much thinner but still washable (I run my non-soiled liners through the wash and re-use them as wipes). I have since discovered php liners in my local supermarket which are very similar to bio liners (in size, thickness and texture). I have also just received an order of the new tots bots liners which are really soft and much smaller than the above mentioned (so don't need to be folded). You can't wash the tots bots liners so I will be saving them for use in my slimmer pocket nappies. Also, the nappy nation chamomile liners are great to have around if baby gets a sore bum.
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