Earth Day Cloth Diaper Sales 2024
7 months ago
Hi and welcome to my Cloth Nappy Review Site.
There are so many cloth nappies now available.
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Maisie :o)
used newborn ones as backups in a wrap poor containment.
have used larger ones to stuff bearbehinds will use to stuff again gives a nice slim shape.
Very cost efficient but not my favourites. One good thing is that they are very slim fitting but they can get very very wet and a lot of users would advise to get fleece liners to go between the nappy and the baby. Personally I find the more layers, the harder it is to deal with a wriggy baby.
We bought a birth to potty Cotton Bottoms cheap on Ebay £80. It was great value and the prefolds and wraps are excellent quality.
The cotton of these nappies is very soft and it dries in a trice, so we always had nappies.
I know a lot of people have trouble with littles doing bf poop which bursts out. I overcame that with a nappy nippa and the newborn fold. I have never got on with pad folded prefolds. I would tell everyone to nippa them, they are much slimmer and much more reliable, even when the baby is weaning. I also find prefolds pretty easy to sluice to remove poo, as there is no booster attached.
They are a good to have, because they have so many uses, plus I find them a lot easier to fold than terries.
On the downside, they aren't as cute as terries, and as you get towards the upper end of the size, the nippa does get tighter - poor baby. They aren't as simple and easy as a fleece lined fitted nappy, and I find myself using them less and less now.
They are reasonably good for absorbancy, and last about four hours unboosted.
They are a good budget option, but don't ever pad fold NO!!!
Oh and buy the ones with the 8 layers in the centre, otherwise they are too thin, except perhaps for newborns.
I used prefolds almost exclusively on my first baby - but from 4 months and we had started weaning.
I wouldn't necessarily recommend them for bf explosions!
I thought they were the cheap option, but I used Bambino Mio - and when I added up the cost of buying three different sizes, and all the wraps it would have been cheaper to use a shaped one-size nappy - and the poo containment would have been better.
Good once you've gone past the runny poo stage.
Dry quickly, slim-fitting , so fits better under clothes. HAve jsut started adding a booster inside now ds is older.
I agree that they are not the best nappy for annoys me that they are the most widely available as I think they might put people off. I think you might as well padfold terries.
I did use prefolds successfully for a newborn, again I read on diaperpin - an American cloth nappy site - to use nippa or pins. I have used both, Pins are good when the prefold gets to small in the waist, I pin both sides, and it is super secure, no baby hands can undo them. :o)
They seem fine for a bigger baby and you can put them in a pull up wrap for toddlers.
I think muslins are good for little babies. I'm another one that always has leaks of one kind or another with the folded prefold in a wrap. I wihs it would work, as it seems simple, but it's not for me. :o(
We have used Junior Joy prefolds since our little one was 8 weeks old and love them. They are easy to use, but never pad folded, I use the Angel fold with a nippa. They are really absorbant, but not enough for nights and very slim fitting under clothes when fastened with a nippa. They are a great budget option and dry quickly too. Since we started tumble drying them for 10 minutes they are lovely and soft and fluffy too!
I use nappy nation stay dry prefolds and I love them. The stay dry layer keeps babe's bottom really dry, better than a fleece liner.
I used padfolded terrys up til 5 months and much prefer prefolds,much easier to use especially for nursery.
We've had no probs with bf poo leaks,
They're really quick to dry, which is a godsend with no tumble dryer.
Used Cotton Bottom prefolds (as part of their laundry service) - they were fine but we were another one who had to use nippas. Some babies seem to be the right size/shape to just pad fold, some don't.
Also, I find that if you are pinning/using nippas, that you have to constantly change sizes or adjust the way you are folding.
Having said that - when it works, great value, very efficient and moderately easy to use.
I really don't like prefolds as they are not good at containing runny bf poos. They are good at stuffing pocket nappies though as dry so quickly and used together are a good 1 piece for quick changes.
Never had much look with these the wee/poo always ended up out the sides, however they are useful to put in a pocket/stuffable nappy. Would never recommend them as a starter nappy as they might put people off.
We found these fab nippa'd esp with a superwhisper wrap. Still a favourite in this house!
I pinned mine, found the angel fold quite good for newborn baby girl. I hated these at first, found them more fiddly & too slow drying compared to terries, but they are quite good on little babies with pasty poo.
Used prefolds with bambino mio wraps when baby first born, utterly awful, nearly put us off completely, I couldn't agree more with everyone who complains that they leak out of the sides with alarming regularity.
Just discovered shaped nappies and all-in-ones, really cross these aren't more widely publicised!
I used bambino mios for a newborn and they didn't come up to standard I'm afraid, poo containment was nearly nil. The wraps were badly sized too as they dug into my LO in the belly.
However, I do use the nappies to stuff my other nappies with now as they are very absorbant.
I love prefolds, I have a large supply of Bambino Mio and Cotton Bottoms and they are our regular daytime nappy used pad fold. We have used them from 4 months onwards and never have leaks, except if we use them on their own at night. We now have a different nappy just to use at night.
The good thing about prefolds is they are fairly cheap (some of mine were given to me, the rest from ebay), they have a re-sale value, the are lovely and soft, easy to put on and dry quickly.
The nappy lady recommended that I got Tot bots but I am glad I didnt. I like my Bambinos. They are great with a Bambino Mio wrap or a Junior Joy Finn wrap.
I found with prefolds we got alot of breastfed pooleaks!
However the leaks decreased significantly when I used a Motherease Rikki wrap with the prefold instead of the "set" wrap with went with the prefold. So do try this if you're having some probs - however we now use shaped nappies which I much prefer!
No, no, no. The problem is they're too widely advertised. I would prefer some good 2 part options to be better advertised. They are more reliable and I'm sure more people would be able to use them more successfully.
All we had with prefolds was leaks.
We bought Bambino Mio. For newborn we coulndnt use them, too rough, too big and leaks. Very expensive and didnt realise how often you need to get next size up. Cloth goes really hard in the wash. Covers have cracked and therefore not very waterproof after a few months. In other words I do not recommend these nappies.
I love my prefolds, i have bambino mio and junior joy ones and i LOVE them, i use pins or a nippa and the angel fold and they are great for containment and are much slimmer fitting this way too! I have been using junior joy wraps and think they are great value for money!
Hi Maisiemog,
I emailed you regarding the comments left by fgeegf, it has nothing to do with nappies and are in fact advertising porn sites. I would suggest removing the comment, and looks like the same person might have left the same advertisment in several other pages.
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