Earth Day Cloth Diaper Sales 2024
8 months ago
Hi and welcome to my Cloth Nappy Review Site.
There are so many cloth nappies now available.
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Maisie :o)
These have become a default night nappy for me - the most absorbent terry fitted nappy that I have.
They look hilarious if you get those wacky 70s towel designs, but some of the colour combinations....:0
They are bulkier than tots for night (I use a medium or large v size 2 tots) and dry harder.
I find the sizing a bit random, I have two larges that are basically different sizes. I also find the elastic can be a bit too tight, so poor ds has red weals if I'm not very careful with the poppers.
I would go with maisie mogs comments, One of mine was in the most amazing towelling that was soft no matter how i washed or dried it and was the best night nappy ever. The other was smaller and scratchy towelling and I didn't use or like it much at all. The sales description on them was idenitical!!!!!
I preferred the old style ones with the attached booster, and it would be great if they came in nippa versions!
Other than that, very cute and absorbant. I would go wih the comments on sizing and variability though, I had 2 mediums which were very different sizes and shapes. One I loved, the other I hardly used. It was snapped up on e-bay for a very good price though, so resale potential is excellent!
I have just got a couple of newborn ones for #2 and they are gorgeous! They will definitely fit way beyond the suggested 11lb.
I like these, but they're similar in size to Motherease one size and my 14 month old has outgrown them already.
I started using Peeweez large when my baby was five months, once he'd grown out of the prefolds I'd received from Sheffield CC. I love the fact they're recycled, unique and made at home. Also they're better than prefolds at keeping poo off the outer, though it does often escape - inevitably? So, I don't think the elastic is too tight and it doesn't leave marks, obviously it will vary with the baby's legs. My baby is now 15mths and I think the sizing will work fine and last him until pants. (Good luck, Peeweez - you're doing a great job!)
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